Please join Chelsea and Joe on 15th July 2017 in celebrating their wedding in Norfolk.


yes I said yes I will Yes

Chelsea and Joe met at a house party in 2010. They did not take much notice of each other. In fact, Joe didn't even remember that they had met. 

Chelsea remembers.

Fortunately, they had the occasion to meet again and eventually became good friends.

At some point, it occurred to Joe that he might like to go out with Chelsea, and then spent the better part of a year trying to convince her to go on a date with him. Chelsea wasn't really feeling it.

But then Joe sustained a snowboarding injury that led to quite a serious bone infection. After finding herself a regular visitor at the hospital, Chelsea had to admit that perhaps she might be feeling it after all. So Chelsea and Joe started to go out in 2012.

Chelsea now suspects that Joe's 'bone infection' was an elaborate ruse to bring this about. 

But that is fine because after four years together, Joe proposed in Venice, and after saying 'I'll have to think about it' and laughing at her own hilarity for a while, Chelsea said 'Yes.'